Micro Brown Bassman-Princeton hybrid build

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Micro Brown Bassman-Princeton hybrid build

Post by cdemike »

After wrestling with some hum issues in an older build, I decided to just start over with a clean slate. The old amp is a 6G2 Princeton using an ECC99 push-pull output stage, but it was a really early build of mine and there are a whole host of grounding issues that I haven't been able to resolve, and I have been flirting with both a 6G6 Bassman build and the idea of a switchable harmonic/amplitude tremolo system; this seemed like a pretty good opportunity to tackle all the above. I didn't really love the ECC99 output section as a model for "big amp" sounds, since the triodes didn't seem to sound that similar to pentodes when driven, so I'm ditching them for a dual EF80 section inspired by Rob Robinette's mico amp series. The build is keeping one channel similar to a Brown Princeton, since it's my wife's amp mainly, and she really likes that circuit. The trem circuit is based off Steve Luckey's Trem-O-Nator circuit and uses the Supro-style oscillator for a wider range of speeds.

There are a few things I wanted to get a sanity check on before buying parts:
1. I'm not sure if the use of a transformer phase inverter is a good idea here. After thinking about ways to cut down on complexity, I realized that small audio transformers cost about the same as a single 12AX7, and I don't really want it distort anyway. Maybe it'd be better just to use another MOSFET since I'm already going down that road with a SS oscillator? It seems like the transformer helps cut down on overall complexity in the signal path, but this is my first time designing around an inter-stage transformer.
2. Putting the bridge rectifier on the heaters seems like it might allow me to elevate the heaters pretty easily while also providing a voltage source to drive the tremolo transformer (this build will not hum....). The old build I'm cannibalizing used an ANTEK toroidal PT which has no center tap on the filament winding, so I wanted to see if this would also eliminate the need for an artificial center tap. I currently have a humdinger pot installed, so no worries either way, but it seemed like this was a two-birds-one-stone situation unless I'm misunderstanding something.
3. I eliminated the third gain stage from the 6G6 design since the harmonic tremolo stage read to me like a repurposed LTPI, which I know adds some gain, albeit less than the unbypassed 100k/1.5k gain stage it would replace in both the 6G6 and 6G2. Because of the gain discrepancy, I adjusted the second gain stage of the Bassman channel to compensate and moved the treble control to follow the second stage rather than the third gain stage. I didn't see a reason why this would cause a major difference in the amp's sound, but there's a part of me that's wondering if I'm thinking about this too simplistically.
4. Because EF80s have much lower headroom than 6L6, I adjusted the grid resistors to be about 10% as large as in the original schematic thinking it'd get me close to scaling the signal so the output section sees a proportional signal as in the full-sized amp. 20k seemed to be right since Rob Robinette's site mentioned there should be a roughly 90% reduction in signal strength, and based what I've gathered from the EF80 datasheets that seems to be true. Really this last piece is to see if others have built with EF80s or similar small output tubes and have had success with other approaches or values.

Of course if there are any other red flags involved with the circuit as it stands now, I'm happy to hear it!
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Re: Micro Brown Bassman-Princeton hybrid build

Post by cdemike »

Been thinking this design over and making some progress. I've been mining rootz's thread on his 6G2 build (https://ampgarage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=36749) to learn as much as I can. There are a lot of solutions to design problems I've identified in my build which mostly pertain to keeping the resulting amp sounding as close as possible to the original circuits as I can but with the added functionality. I'm also working around space constraints in the chassis, which has meant I'm not sure I can stay with a 6G6 as the non-Princeton channel (the Princeton channel is a mandatory item, since it's my wife's amp and she really likes the 6G2). I considered a resistive mixer to combine the signal from the first 6G2 gain stage with the signal from the 6G6-B's treble pot at the fourth triode in the bass channel's signal chain. I decided against that since it'd result in a lot of interactivity between the 6G6 treble control and the 6G2 tone and volume controls. So I next considered a common anode mixer, but I have concerns about that (specific questions at the bottom of the post). The space constraints led me to realize I could switch the amplitude trem from an optocoupler style circuit to a bias-wiggle circuit in order to both simplify things and get a swampier-sounding trem.

I'm also likely abandoning the transformer phase splitter approach since implementing it seems to add more complexity than it tries to solve. So I'm currently drawing up schematics using the MOSFET-based oscillator from the bottom Sluckey's trem-o-nator page to drive a cathode follower which then feeds a phase splitter (either 12AX7 or LND150-based, depending on whether the broader preamp design leaves a triode free). The cathode follower's output could then be switched to connect at the junction of the output section's grid leak resistors like in an Ampeg J-12B (https://sluckeyamps.com/RCA/Ampeg_J12B.pdf).

I was hoping to get help on two things:
-Is there a way to get a common-anode mixer to behave more like the center-biased 100k/1.5k gain stage it'd replace? I'm less concerned about the loss in gain since my output section will be a lot easier to overdrive than 2x 6L6s, but I've encountered circuits that sound fuzzy because of the overdrive characteristics of the common anode mixer.

-I'm not sure I understand the operating characteristics of the harmonic trem's mixer stage. If I re-conceptualize that stage's shared 4.7k/2uF share cathode as a split cathode arrangement, I think it'd be 9.4k cathode resistance with a 1uF bypass capacitor. That'd create a somewhat similar operating point to a JCM800's cold clipper, which seems to run counter to Fender's general effort to maximize headroom. The cathode bypass capacitor would be an important difference, but the stage would remain biased pretty cold, reducing headroom, right? If that's the case, is there a significant downside to center-biasing with an 820R cathode resistor?

Thank y'all!

Schematics for reference:
6G6-B Bassman: https://schematicheaven.net/fenderamps/ ... _schem.pdf
6G2 Princeton: https://schematicheaven.net/fenderamps/ ... _schem.pdf
6G5-A Super (reference for 5-triode harmonic trem): https://schematicheaven.net/fenderamps/ ... _schem.pdf
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Re: Micro Brown Bassman-Princeton hybrid build

Post by cdemike »

Maybe this would be better to ask under Technical Discussion?

Edit (5/19/24): here's a schematic with the design as it stands so far. Still wondering if this makes sense in terms of adjusting the splitter/mixer stage for the harmonic trem. I thought maybe keeping the common anode mixer stage unbypassed might in a weird way make it behave more like a vanilla gain stage by increasing the output impedance.
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