Windows XP loses MS support tomorrow

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C Moore
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Re: Windows XP loses MS support tomorrow

Post by C Moore »

LeftyStrat wrote:
C Moore wrote:
sepulchre wrote:I've got Win 7 on my laptop and it seems okay. But I aint coughing up $100+ just for ole Bill and his buddies. If it would run my stuff I'd go Linux.
I have a basic knowledge of Electricity/Electronics.....but I Know Nothing about computers.!
Is their a Tutorial/Explanation that walks a person through installing "Linux" on an 8 Year old Dell that runs XP.?
Thank You
Go here:

Scroll down to 'Try Ubuntu before you install it.' There are instructions on downloading and burning a disk or installing on a USB stcik so you can boot into Ubtuntu and try it out before installing it.
Thank You :wink:
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Re: Windows XP loses MS support tomorrow

Post by wicker »

Honestly I wouldn't be really afraid about loss of support, get yourself antivirus soft and you'll be ok.

As for other systems, from more than 2yrs I'm using Win 7 at home and it's most stable system I've ever had - I don't turn off my laptop, I just close the screen and it hibernates, I restart it once a week and I have dosens of programs always opened (couldn't do the same with XP proabably). I've got Win 7 also in my job (engineering company) and it does well. I also do use a lot of Unix (both job and home) and these are different beastes, great system if you're advanced (or semi advanced) but if you know nothing about it you're doomed ... yes, Ubuntu is nice as long as you need pc for internet purpose and as long as you'll be able to install every soft you need with apt-get install.
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Re: Windows XP loses MS support tomorrow

Post by cbass »

I loved widows 7 I used for a long time till my lkaptop had an accident and never had one lockup never had to restart it or any oher problems.
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