Implimenting Friedman Marshall box with a Fender type amp

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Implimenting Friedman Marshall box with a Fender type amp

Post by pjd3 »


I have a nerve inquiring on this but, would like to hear some thoughts on this.

So while my mono amp builds have been really good and even very gig worthy with consistent compliments on my tones and sound, (a Plexi 6V6 and an AB763 single channel with some added features with a decent but not amazing pedal board), I have an obsessive desire to start into a true stereo guitar tube amp, one that will take good advantage of the awesome selection of stereo reverbs, delays and chorus pedal that are available now - I need to move into the stereo thing.
With this, the focus is on a fairly quick set up, low powered (20W) but flexible set up (think rushing to the gig from work with 30 minutes to set up.

What am likely now to do is to build a Fenderish stereo amp with something like two distinct Deluxe Reverb type/level amps each with their own speaker, each to be miced up and panned left and right in the PA system. I have already determined that this double Fenderish stereo amp can be implemented into a Twin reverb size chassis and have nearly done the basic layout, making proper space for everything. I see this playing out pretty well with time based stereo pedals and a few of the overdrives I've bought or made, but, there is a moderate concern I have, and that is finding the best way to impliment a Marshall sounding preamp or pedal into this system. Unfortunately, I fell in sonic lust with the fairly new Friedman IR-X which, if you are not familiar with that is a floor model 2 channel tube preamp with a digital IR out section for cabinet and speaker emulation. In my opinion, it is a fabulous unit that would cover my Marshall sounds even beyond how I would need them to be (The Friedman IR-X pedal has a plexi channel and JCM type channel with 250vdc on the plates of 12ax7's, and it sounds like it) - Its what my home built Marshall pedal wishes it could be (the Runoffgroove Thor tube-to-Fet conversion Marshall emulation pedal - its actually fairly decent for a solid state device).

Birthday, as well as 30 year sobriety is coming up which arms me with good "battle with the wife" ammunition for losing 400-500 bucks for a silly little pedal.
My question about having this is, - "How can this pedal/preamp with power output and speaker/cab IR emulation) be best integrated with a Fenderish amp to keep the basic tonality of the pedal preserved without having the Fender AB763 preamp mangling its core sound. Would it? I usually play 4 decades of genres and require everything from 60's Fender up to 80's - 90's moderately heavy Marshall type distortion but, not quite metal or shred.

So, that is the latest thing keeping me up at night. Some might say that the Fender AB763 is so clean anyways, that it won't color or reshape the vastly distorted tone that will inevitably be coming from the Friedman pedals so, "Dont worry about it". But, in the light of keeping as pure to the Friedman preamp as possible, I had to wonder if there was a way to introduce the Friedman pedal later in the circuit, getting it as close to the power amp as possible. For instance, can this Friedman pedal somehow be introduced or mixed in at the PI input, the same way the normal channel and vibrato channel are mixed throught the 220K resistors on the way into the PI. I imagine there is a way to do anything, and perhaps I could bribe one of our brilliant electrical engineers here at Zoll Medical to sit down with me and come up with some electrical solution for doing this, making sure that impedances are being set for sources and destinations, and of course keeping gains and levels within proper ranges.

Just thinking out loud on some of this but, the stereo amp is right at the top of my list and will need be a reality one way or another.

Thanks for listening in and all comments are welcome

Phil D.  
I’m only one person (most of the time)
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