Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

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Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

Post by vipor3D »

First time poster looking to get into building/working with amps.

So I should probably start by saying I don't really know much about amps beyond how to use them and maybe change a speaker or something, but I am trying to learn (which brings me here). I've been watching various videos and reading different articles online, and have managed to learn some. At the most, though, I might could give a crude explanation of how the signal flows through the amp. Also, learning this way seems very scattered and is not in any kind of arranged order to help build a cumulative understanding. So I guess that's what my question is - what is the best way to start learning about working on/with amps? What's the best starting point, and in what order should the various aspects be learned? I've come across several books, but I can't figure out which ones would be best to start with. Also, are there books with "dumbed down" explanations? I feel that would probably help me the most in getting started.

If it helps, I have a few goals related to learning about amps. I think my first goal will be to understand enough just to be able to read schematics and put together a basic kit. From there, my eventual goals would be to be able to look at an amp layout or schematic and understand why the circuit was designed in the way that it was, using the various components that were used and how those components affect the tone of the amp. I think this might be considered amp or circuit design theory? That's probably the aspect of amps that intrigues me the most, but also seems the most complicated. I understand that's probably a very steep hill to climb (over several years) from knowing nothing, but I'm willing to learn (or at least try).

I should also mention I definitely understand the safety risks involved with amps and have been learning about proper safety practices. I won't touch an amp kit or something similar until I'm confident I can work through it safely.

Any input is greatly apprectiated
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Re: Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

Post by imjonwain »

I'd start with some general electronics theory first. Lots of people don't but having a decent understanding of current "flow" and more generic circuits will help a lot.

I like physical books to read but there are lots of free PDFs of most of the "classic" books floating around online now. Under the Technical Discussion here is a sticky'd thread called "Reading Material on Steroids" that has lot's of links to great resources.

For books to buy....

Forest Mim's book Getting Started in Electronics is or was the standard diy first learning about electronics book. It's very good and easy to understand. Can get copies for <$15 shipped online and there are probably PDF versions.

Ronald Quan's books are good to start with but a bit more radio focused.

RCA tube receiving manual (specifically the beginning, it's more of a reference book) is a classic tube book.

Radiotron Designers Handbooks (various editions) are good but could be too technical for a first read?

Richard Kuehnel's book are very concise and directly about tube amps. His basic theory book would be a good start but I still think starting with general electronic theory might be better personally.
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Re: Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

Post by danman »

Robrobinette has some good basic, beginner info on one of the most simplest circuits. Aiken's sight also has some good info. Both of these are geared specifically towards guitar amps. As suggested above, learning the basics of AC and DC should be your main priority in the beginning.
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Re: Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

Post by TUBEDUDE »

I'd add Merlin's books (Power Supplies for Tube Amplifiers) (Designing Valve Preamps for Guitar and Bass) and the first two Kevin O'Connor books (Principles of Power) ( The Ultimate.Tone).
Some of Merlins details will be well over your head, as his presentation is exhaustive and detailed, but the first few chapters deal with the basics you need to know. Everything that deals with DC and AC circuits should be read and reread until understood. Some of the old Army and Navy Technical Manuals on basic electronics are worthy also.
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Re: Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

Post by dgrainger »

I found Merlin to be much easier to read than Kuenhal when I was first starting out.
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Re: Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

Post by imjonwain »

I forgot about the old military books. The US Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS) - Module 06 - Electronic Emission Tubes and Power Supplies is a good pdf to be found online.
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Re: Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

Post by ChopSauce »

Best way?

Having the more fun out of it, taking care neither to waste too much money, nor to kill yourself or burn your house - I guess.

Some will prefer following instructions from a kit, a few will manage to experiment far away from that (either on their own or by tweaking an existing & inexpensive circuit), others will read a lot first. The best thing is you can combine both theoretical and practical aspects.

I don't know about the opportunities in your area to suggest more than these generalities, though.

EDIT: as with any new & deep matter, it just takes time for everyone to get used to it - depending on your background -
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Re: Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

Post by Lothy »

Start building an amp from scratch.
There is no better way to learn than doing it.
But that doesn't mean, to buy the parts, heat up the soldering iron and go to work.
First you need to understand how a tube amp works and what all the parts do and how they work together.
A very good starting point is to watch Uncle Dougs Videos on YouTube. He was a teacher before he gets retired and knows how to explain non trivial things in a way a total noob can understand it.
I've done a playlist with all his tube amp related education videos, because the videos are a bit spread out: ... QKmqqG_MB4

You need other sources, as books, schematics, datasheets etc., too. Try to read and collect everything you can find on this topic. I could share my collection with you, but it is important you do it by yourself. It forces you to read the information at least once, which is not automatically the case when you have it right on hand.
Give me a shout, if you miss something and I'll help you out.

And please, take your time. It took me more than a year from kick off to a working amp. And another year to get it done right :D

Good luck!


PS: When you at the point to start bulding, never, ever underestimate high voltages, take it really serious, not with fear, but with the right amount of respect and caution.
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Re: Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

Post by Andy Le Blanc »

Second that,..

I started before the web,... it was beg bum borrow and steal the informational resources. The more informational resources the better.
But, ultimately I pulled together a box of junk and built an amp. Get an iron, a multi-meter, a signal generator and an O-scope.
Non of it has to be to expensive, used and old but functional will do. Just start gathering up a bone pile of old tube junk.
Doing is the best teacher. Start with simple and just keep building.
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Re: Best way to start learning about amps? And in what order?

Post by ViperDoc »

I can more report than give advice, I am a student of these arts.

My experience began with a "shoot first, ask question later" approach by diving headfirst into pedal building, having absolutely no previous electronics training whatsoever--just a life-long love affair with guitar. I quickly transitioned into building a 5E3 all-inclusive kit, which sounds really good for how badly I built it. I had no idea what I was doing wrong until I ruined a second 5E3. It made me investigate what I "should have known" in the first place, and when I realized that, my third 5E3 build is the one I gig with in one of my bands. It sounds incredible.

Now I have about eight amp builds under my belt, and I'm still learning what I should have known with every one of them. But I enjoy the process. I think a balance of theory and science mixed with a kit build is a great place to start. A kit gives you all the pieces required and shows you how to properly build the amp of interest in most cases. All the resources previously mentioned are enough to get you (and me) educated enough to start making sense of it all, which will allow you to do what I believe most chaps on this site do, which is to customize a circuit to your own taste and build YOUR amp. I am only at the beginning of that path.

For what it's worth, I am a practicing dentist. I have spent decades refining an intuitive art of rebuilding people's faces from a lifetime of degradation and abuse. It is a balancing act between what I have left to work with, what I can rebuild both surgically and developmentally with laser light, foreign materials and cold steel, all the while managing landing on an outcome that will be emotionally responded to every minute after it is completed, of which there is not a single step that I can redo. Even a synopsis of what I have learned to do what I do would take a year to write down. That said, I cannot apply any of what I've learned to building tube amps. I am as much a novice here as anyone else, but I've never been treated like one on this site. I appreciate the patience and even relentless attention I've received several times to help solve problems in my builds that I don't understand. Ampgarage is the place; it's mostly responsible for any of my amps working in the first place. You can expect the same.

So Bravo to all of you here, and good luck in your journey. I bet you'll enjoy it. Cheers--Brian
Just plug it in, man.
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