What's up with Shad/Quinn Amps?

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Re: What's up with Shad/Quinn Amps?

Post by Structo »

Wait,OP on TGP was a fraud?

Don't let that smoke out!
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Re: What's up with Shad/Quinn Amps?

Post by Luthierwnc »

No reason to think he doesn't have a legitimate gripe.

In fairness to the OP, I just pointed out he wasn't the one who started the tangent that other custom builders shouldn't be trusted with deposit money. A lot of the posters stood up and said their confidence worked out well. Builders weighed in on the economics of the situation too.

Tempest in a teacup really.
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Re: What's up with Shad/Quinn Amps?

Post by Luddy »

It really pains me to read all of this about Shad, here and on TGP. A few years ago, I was new to this forum, joining because I was having a great time with my Ceriatone OTS. I liked what I was getting out of the amp, more so after learning more about it here and elsewhere. I have a medical situation that has resulted in a weakening of my legs, and it is getting worse by the year. I posted here, in this forum, that I was interested in having someone build a small 15w ODS-type amp. Shad PM'd right away, and we began planning. After a year, I had two identical SDQs. With a 12" Jensen neodymium in a combo cab, the overall weight was 24 lbs. I keep one at my studio for rehearsals, recording, and gigs, and one sitting 14" from my right. My general working method (as a composer and academic) is to do work at the computer for 30 minutes, then play guitar through that amp for 30 minutes. And back and forth, all day long. The lure of the way the amp responds to my playing is like a magnet. All day long, I want to play through this amp. I keep a log of my settings of the amp and guitar (Epi Dot with Varitone). What is most intriguing is trying to replicate a sound that I am getting, but with a different family of settings. Of course, I cannot replicate anything perfectly, nor is that my goal. But I have a lot of fun trying out different ways to get the same kind of sound and response. I should stress that the purpose is not to succeed in replicating a sound, but to find where the nuances are and how to control them.

I had a problem early on with the amp that I have at home, which I generally leave on 12-14 hours a day. I shipped it to Shad and got it back two weeks later, problem-free. I enjoyed our emails throughout the whole process. He was a thoughtful and articulate guy.

When I learned of his problems last year, I was really, well, heartbroken isn't the word, but it's the first word that comes to mind, and "bummed" doesn't quite convey what I felt. I am just sick over his misbehavior and the damage that he has caused to so many people.

I don't know what to say, still. I sure hope that he gets this sorted.
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Re: What's up with Shad/Quinn Amps?

Post by dr. who »

Well I was wondering if anyone has seen Shad? I would still like the four amps he owes me. I’m a veteran combat medical seargeant that was a part of TF20 that spent my disability money and part of my signing bonus so I could have all the amplifiers for my band. If anyone has seen Shad, heard from Shad, or knows anyone that has please let me know. Thanks.
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Re: What's up with Shad/Quinn Amps?

Post by jfs322 »

Isn't it easy to locate someone these days? All you need to do is run an internet background check and you can find the guy's last known address in like 5 minutes, no?
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Re: What's up with Shad/Quinn Amps?

Post by M Fowler »

No I haven't heard from him and no Facebook anymore either.

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Re: What's up with Shad/Quinn Amps?

Post by MeanMrMustard »

I’ve been curious about any developments. My only dealings with Shad were good. Bought a Sweet Thunder with verb in ‘07. An excellent high headroom clean amp. I was surprised when I learned of all this a few years ago but given his move south and biting off more than he could chew with pedals AND amps I think I understand the why.
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